OMG! It is already April. Summer is quickly approaching and we need to get ready for swimsuit season. With life stressors coming in the way, it can be hard to destress and find the time to drag ourselves to the gym. Stress hinders the body from losing that extra few pounds we all gained suring the lockdown of COVID-19.
How? Healthline reports that when we are stressed, our bodies naturally fight or flight, also known as “acute stress response”. Our body readies itself by releasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline prepares your body for vigorous activity, but it can also minimize your desire to eat. Meanwhile, cortisol signals for your body to temporarily suppress functions that are nonessential during a crisis. This includes your digestive, immune, and reproductive system responses. These hormones make our body store fat instead of burning it for energy.
A 2016 study helps back up this claim. The researchers found that CBD plays multiple roles in how the body interacts with fat.In the study, CBD helped convert white fat cells into brown fat cells. It also stimulated the body to break down fats more efficiently.The researchers note that CBD may be a promising therapy for preventing obesity, but more studies in humans are necessary.
Another study from 2018 explains how CBD might break down fats in the body. The process of turning white fat cells to brown fat cells actually changes how these cells act in the body.Brown fat cells may be a more active form of fat. They burn off energy as heat, meaning that they actually burn calories.As a loss of calories is important for weight loss, CBD may help burn fat if it turns white fat to brown fat in the body.
Having an extra layer of help in our swimsuit body goals is never a bad thing. SWISS1876 CBD supplement and skin care company sells the purest and most accurate CBD supplement in the world and will help you not only in this goal, but in many other goals. Check out more on their blog to read more about Swiss made CBD.